Friday, 13 November 2009

Drawings of the Roseland Peninsula, Cornwall, November 2009

drawing (5660), graphite on paper, A3 (30cm x 42 cm)

drawing (5657), graphite on paper, A3 (30cm x 42 cm)

My chapter "The Sublime and the Possibility of Meaning" 

has now been published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing as part of the book "The Sublime Now". Contributors include amongst others Esther Leslie, Laura Mulvey, Claire Pajaczkowska, Griselda Pollock and Gene Ray.

"The Sublime Now"

ISBN(13): 978-1-4438-1302-0

Thursday, 12 November 2009

"Seachange" (see previous blog entry) will be exhibited as part of

"Joined Up, Contemporary Collaborative Drawing" 

at the Vault Gallery in Lancaster.

For more information see: